What to Do If You’re Not Eligible for Clear Aligners

If you had your heart set on clear aligners, it can be hard to hear that you’re not eligible for them. Typically, dentists deny people with more severe misalignments, as clear aligners work best for people with mild to moderate disorders. Below, we’ll look at what you can do if denied and why it may not be as bad as you think. 

Don’t Delay

The first thing that you should do is not delay your treatment. If your orthodontist in Shawnee, KS wants you to wear orthodontia, they wish to correct disorders that could one day threaten your long-term oral health. Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the sooner that day might come. While putting off finding a new solution can be easy, it’s important not to ignore the problem. 

Look for Alternatives

If you think all braces besides clear aligners are visible, you may want to think again. Some people opt for lingual braces, which are worn on the back of the teeth rather than the front. These versatile appliances are perfect for people with severe misalignments who want to smile without hesitating. While these braces are harder to clean, they are a viable alternative if you’d rather people not know you were wearing them. 

Find the Right Team in Shawnee

It’s not easy to have your plans derailed, especially if you were a heartbeat away from signing on the line with clear aligners. No matter what type of orthodontia you need, this is a significant investment in your oral health. If you’re at a loss on the next steps, contact Bulleigh Orthodontics to work with experienced orthodontists in Shawnee, KS.