Invisalign Braces Explained

If you need your teeth straightened, you’re probably trying to decide between Invisalign clear dental aligners and traditional metal braces…right? There are some distinct differences between the two. Your orthodontist in Overland Park, KS, would be happy to go over everything with you. But until then, we are going to go over Invisalign braces and what you need to know about them.

What Are Invisalign Braces?

Invisalign is the brand name of one of the clear dental aligners on the market. They utilize sets of computer-generated plastic molds to straighten your teeth over time gradually.

How Do Invisalign Braces Work?

Your orthodontist will create computer-generated images of your mouth and teeth. The orthodontist will then use those images to make custom dental aligner trays for your teeth. You will change out those trays over several months until your teeth are straight.

Unlike traditional braces that use metal wires to shift your teeth into place, Invisalign braces use sets of clear plastic molded trays to shift your teeth into their proper position gently.

The Benefits of Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces in Overland Park, KS, are very popular because of their many benefits.

  • They are invisible, so they provide you with a better appearance.
  • They don’t use metal wires and brackets, so they are more comfortable.
  • There are no diet restrictions like there are with metal braces because you remove them when you eat.
  • They are removable, making it easier to brush, floss, and eat.
  • They are suitable for both children and adults.

The only drawback (that’s really not a drawback for most people) is that you must have enough self-discipline to wear them for 22 hours daily. If you don’t, they won’t work as intended.

How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign Braces?

On average, the Invisalign treatment takes somewhere between 6 – 18 months or so. The length of time they must be worm will differ for each person and will depend on the severity of your dental issues.

Are You Looking for an Orthodontist in Overland Park, KS?

If you want to look into getting Invisalign clear braces, please Contact Bulleigh Orthodontics today. We offer a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere and would love to show you how getting Invisalign clear aligners will change your life!